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Stay on top of your inventory

Always know what’s in stock and what’s on order with QuickBooks Online.

Inventory screen capture

Stock up on inventory insights

QuickBooks Online makes it easy to keep track of your inventory so you’re always well-informed and well-stocked.
Woman sitting with a laptop

Your inventory quantities are updated automatically so you always know what’s on-hand and when to stock up.

Laptop screen showing reports.

Run reports to instantly see best sellers, total sales, and total taxes so you know where you stand and what’s selling out fast.

Business owner checking stock on mobile phone

Connect to Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, Stripe, PayPal, and more to get all the info you need all in one place.

Get started with your existing inventory data

Easily import vendors, customers, products and services from Excel so your inventory levels
and costs are ready to go, right away.

A person sitting at a table with a laptop computer.

Get alerts when you’re running low

Low stock alerts let you know when it’s time to reorder inventory so you can stay ahead of back orders.

Helping businesses do more

Harness powerful tools to find real solutions.

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Create a primary inventory list and sync across channels.

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Integrate sales data to QuickBooks for instant insights.

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Enable automatic import of Shopify orders and refunds in one click.

Man in blue shirt looking at mobile phone.

Make inventory and invoices click

Easily add inventory items to your invoices, and save time by editing products and services by batch.

Find a plan that’s right for you

Frequently asked questions

More ways to learn about 
inventory tracking

Find more of what you need with these tools, resources, and solutions.

A person in a dress holding a cell phone.

What is inventory management?

Learn the ins and outs of inventory management and how your business can benefit from using it.

A person sitting at a table with a laptop.

Inventory valuation: an overview of costing methods

Explore the three main types of inventory valuation and discover which is most effective for your small business.

A person standing in a store with a coffee cup.

Tracking inventory for your brick and mortar store

Discover how the right inventory management tools allow you to see what inventory you have on hand, support invoicing, purchase orders, cost tracking, and more.

In your corner when you need us

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Talk to sales

Give us a call if you need help picking a QuickBooks product.

Call 1-888-829-8589

Mon-Fri, 9 AM to 6:30 PM ET

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Visit our support hub

Find help articles, video tutorials, and connect with other businesses in our online community.

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